Owner’s Team Services
- Conceptual studies
- Scoping studies
- PFS / DFS study management
- Financial modelling
- Execution planning
- Project management
- Engineering management
- Procurement and contract management
- Construction management
- Commissioning management
- Operational readiness
Due Diligence
We can perform independent reviews to assist in the due diligence process when considering the purchase of a mining asset, entering into a joint venture or during mergers and acquisitions.
Our services include:
- PFS / DFS reviews
- CAPEX / OPEX reviews
- Financial model reviews
- Technical reviews
- Conceptual studies
- Scoping studies
- Pre-feasibility study management
- Definitive-feasibility study management
- Execution planning
- Constructability reviews
Test Work
We can manage test work programs, then review and develop the key deliverables that are crucial for commencing studies on the right foot.
- Management of drilling and test work programs:
- Exploration
- Geological
- Metallurgical
- Geotechnical
- Pit geotechnical
- Hydrological
- Fine and coarse ore aggregate
- Test pits
- Waste characterisation
- Flowsheet review and development
- Design criteria review and development
Project Management Services
- Planning
- Scheduling
- Cost estimating
- Cost control
- Project reporting
- Change management
- Procurement and contract management
- Construction management
- Commissioning management
- Operational readiness
Engineering Management
Our team has a wealth of experience successfully delivering multi-disciplinary projects through measured and decisive engineering management.Our collaborative approach ensures that practical, fit-for-purpose solutions are engineered to align with the client’s ethos and vision. Zeal’s experience encompasses:
- Access roads and bridges
- Air strips, hangars, and maintenance facilities
- Bore fields
- Camp accommodation, messing, and sporting facilities
- Fire water systems
- Mine dewatering
- Mine services area infrastructure
- Mineral processing facilities
- Power systems
- Pumping systems
- River abstraction systems
- Tailings storage facilities
- Services
- Sewage treatment plants
- Water treatment plants
- Water storage dams
Further information can be found here – project facilities
Procurement & Contract Management
Developing and implementing a suitable procurement and contracting strategy is crucial to the success of any project. Our approach for every project is tailored to the owner’s requirements, funding strategies, commodity, regional constraints / challenges, local workforce, and available contractors. We ensure contracts are written to effectively manage the works, are easily administered, and assign liabilities appropriately. Zeal can provide the following procurement and contract management services:
- Procurement and contracting plans
- Long lead and critical path procurement strategies
- Pre-qualification of vendors and contractors
- Development of standard terms and conditions
- Scoping and tendering
- Technical and commercial evaluation
- Recommendations for award
- Contract development, negotiation, and management
- Authority to commit documentation for internal approvals
- Fabrication and manufacturing management
- Contractor and subcontractor management
- Quality assurance and quality control
- Negotiation and mediation of disputes
- Logistics management
- Expediting
Construction Management
Zeal provides all the necessary construction management services to successfully develop a project. Our construction management approach is decisive, proactive, and responsive. We develop constructive relationships and work with key stakeholders to achieve optimal project outcomes. Our construction management services include:
- Construction management plans
- Constructability reviews
- Contractor pre-qualification and selection
- Contractor and subcontractor management
- Review and recommendation of construction equipment
- Resource histograms
- Lift studies
- Progress reporting
- Project engineering
- Project controls
- Quantity surveying
- Quality assurance and quality control
- Construction check sheets
- Inspection and test plans
- Inspection and test records
Commissioning Management
Zeal has considerable experience in planning and managing commissioning in a safe, practical, and expeditious manner. Our commissioning services include:
- Co-ordination with key stakeholders to plan tie-ins, shutdowns, and transitions into operations
- Commissioning plans
- Strategy
- Organisation charts
- Manning and equipment histograms
- Scheduling
- Cost estimating
- Check sheets
- Co-ordination of vendor support
- Co-ordination of specialist commissioning equipment
- Integration of the maintenance/operational resources into the commissioning team
- Completion of project ‘as built’ documentation
- Performance testing
Operational Readiness
Zeal’s approach to operational readiness is focused on developing plans, processes, resources, systems and strategies to ensure the mine yields returns on time, exceeds design criteria and operates reliably into the future. Our operational readiness services include:
- Asset integrity management
- De-bottlenecking
- Design reviews
- Lubrication schedules and lubes
- Maintenance scheduling
- Management
- Manning
- OPEX cost review
- Operating spares review
- Operating procedures
- Operating resource planning
- Plant optimisation
- Reagents and consumables
- Training
- Throughput upgrades
- Warehousing
Our services extend to the following
Capability Statement
Want to know more about our services? Download our capability statements below.